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The Uncensored Unprofessor

Oct 28, 2018

What is the philosophy of religious pluralism? And what then is universalism? Is it true that "all religions are different paths that lead to the same mountain top called God"? What happens when we bring just a smidgeon of logic to bear on things? What happens when we bring a smidgeon of Jesus to things?

Oct 22, 2018

What steps can be taken to hear God's voice? Or, which steps work the best, garner the best results? What is the attitude necessary for hearing the Lord speak? Come laugh and think with me!

Oct 16, 2018

Unconditional love. It is a slogan, thrown around like a frisbee. Is it biblical? If so, what does it mean? Does it mean God loves sinners? Does it mean that, no matter what, God will still seek relationship with us? What is the nature, the root, of God's love? And more, does God only love us for who we are today? Or is...

Oct 10, 2018

The human soul is not hard-wired, it gets shaped. Two authors I just read argue that our souls get shaped more by the western marketplace than by Christianity. How does that happen? What goes into that? Are they simply irritated with capitalism? Should we be? And then, what shapes your soul? Are you being intentional?...

Oct 4, 2018

What does the Bible suggest to us about those who never hear the Gospel? What points of logic should be brought to bear on such a question? Does a horrible death equate to eternal life? Does pure faith equate to salvation? Is the issue how sincere one's faith is? In this issue I also reflect on the recent SCOTUS,...